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Education Issues :Nepal

The education plays the significant role in the human development. Education is must for social and economical development. Social-economic condition of a country directly depends upon the Education and education policy of the country.
In contest of Nepal the history of Education started in 1853.Although the education was out of reach for the common people. That was only established for Ranas. After the end of autocratic rule of Ranas the democracy established in Nepal. The door of education of formal education was opened for the normal people too.  
Based on different organizations   In Nepal 1951, Nepal had there  were10 000 students divided in 300 schools, with and adult literacy rate was 5%. By 2010The number school reached to 49000 and the adult literacy rate had  rapid growth to 60.3% ,in with female Literacy Rate was 46.3 and male Literacy Rate was 73%).As per the Nepal Census Report 2068/2012 Literacy Rate  reached  65.9% where Male Literacy Rate was 75.1% and Female Literacy Rate was 57.4% .Although Many NGO and INGO are working for the expansion and equitable access of the education for all children globally. But these organization are not in reach of  their target.

There seems several issues,problem and challenges for education in Nepalese. The geographical condition of The country is also effecting the education.

Check out the video and just share your views about the video. The video shows the present condition of  children taking risk of their lives to get education. why these small children facing such a big the problem for the education. Why the concern sector related to this field isn’t taking the action for it ? The government must manage these types of cases and provide these children better way for the education.

 watch the video from the link.


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